CHI Town: My mini summer vaca

While most individuals get summer’s full of trips to the pool, evenings in the park, ice cream, BBQs, Family Vacations, and so on, photographer’s summers consist mostly of weddings galore and photo shoot after photo shoot after photo shoot. Now I’m not trying to complain, because quite frankly I love my job, however, it was nice when I had to opportunity to take a mini vaca from my busy summer schedule. My friend and former college roommate, Cate, and I  headed to CHI Town for some Shopping, Sight-Seeing, and great food!

Cate and our friend Anthony, who is currently a resident at one of the hospitals in Chicago! 

Now I am truly a Cardinals fan! And I know I will be getting a lot of crap for buying a cubs shirt, but I don’t care!!

This older guy that sat in front of us just kept making me giggle. He had his little headphones on and kept writing in his score book. All that tied together with the pins on top of his hat . . . 🙂 . . . I just had to take his picture! 

The line for Gino’s East pizza was utterly ridiculous! So being the smart kids that we are, we called in for pick-up. So instead of waiting in line we got to keep walking around. We might not have gotten to eat at a table, but a spot on the sidewalk was a small price to pay for skipping that line!!!!!

This picture is of the most AMAZING breakfast I have ever had. Anthony introduced us to this restaurant, Yolk; the menu was full of dishes that sounded absolutely scrumptous and as you passed by tables that already had their food, you could not keep your mouth from watering!  I think I could drive all the way up to Chicago just to eat at Yolk again!

Our last stop before heading home was Shed Aquarium

Awww such a great trip! It was a nice and much needed break so I could refuel my engines and get back to work!



